Lose Weight the Healthy Way With Help From The Center for Optimal Health
Weight management services in the East Lansing & Grand Rapids, MI area
Losing excess body weight can be one of the hardest tasks to accomplish, especially with unhealthy options all around us. If you're ready to achieve optimal health using a physician-guided weight management program, we can help at The Center for Optimal Health in East Lansing, MI.
Our guided weight loss program focuses on choosing the right foods, adding more movement into a daily routine, decreasing stress levels, and bettering sleep habits. If you're on medications that need to be adjusted or if new medications are recommended, we work closely with your primary care provider or other specialists to develop and administer a safe, effective and sustainable plan.
Learn more about our weight management program
The first visit of your guided weight management program will include a comprehensive overview of your health history and exam to determine the best approach to your weight loss. We may also order blood work or other testing.
At your follow-up visit, test results will be reviewed, and recommendations made for your personalized weight management program. We have found that coming in every two to four helps patients to have a better understanding of their plan and encourages accountability. We'll be there every step of the way to answer your questions and will make sure you feel safe, secure and comfortable.
Make an appointment with us today for weight management services. Call us today to learn more about our weight management services. We are happy to answer your questions!