Every person is individual in their needs and response to treatment
You will be assessed for your unique needs and a plan will be devised that may include targeted methods of testing and treatment not limited to conventional standard-of-care methods
Our Integrative Medicine practice treats patients using both science-based alternative as well as conventional therapies
We will always explain the components of your plan and you will partner with us in making decisions about what you believe is right for you
Our multi-disciplinary approach to health care allows us to address underlying causes of dysfunction from many perspectives in order to truly affect the health of our patients.
If you have any questions, please contact us
The Center for Optimal Health
The Center for Optimal Health provides holistic medicine treatments and consultations to patients throughout all of Michigan, including Lansing, East Lansing, Okemos, DeWitt, Holt, Haslett, Charlotte, St. Johns, Grand Ledge, Mason, Brighton, Howell, Portland, Jackson, Bath, Williamston, Laingsburg, Perry, Grand Rapids and the surrounding areas.
1520 Ramblewood Drive
East Lansing, MI 48823
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